Random RandomnessThings I really like about GH right now:
1. Julie
Marie Berman as LuLu – Truthfully, I was a little irritated when I heard they were going to SORAS Luke and Laura’s little girl. Surely we have enough teens on the scene right now? And it’s not even summer for chrissakes! Boy hidee was I barkin’ up the wrong tree. This gal is smokin’ –in every way too! She looks like her angelic mother and has all the sass of a Spencer. The fact that she holds her own in scenes with Anthony Geary AND Jane Elliot just shows to go you how dynamic and forceful this young woman is. Every time she shared the screen with TG – the pain, the misunderstanding, the hurt - it all just flows. Wow, just wow.
2. The return of Dr.
Noah Drake – OK, I’ll admit it, this isn’t the first time I’ve watched Rick Springfield with more than a casual interest. The first time I was about 16 and had hormones to spare. Now I’m not 16 any longer and admittedly, the hormones need a kickstart every so often, still I’m riveted to the television during his scenes. Damn me but he still looks good! I was prepared for four days worth of episodes – I got what? eleven in the month of December! Woo hoo – so ok, they sent him off to rehab, but I bet he’s back before we know it because if he’s getting me all hot and bothered, you can be sure he’s givin’ TIIC at ABC some major advertising wood as well.
3. Dr. Patrick Drake
– So far I’ve listed a recast and a returning original character – here’s the capper. The hot newbie who’s more than hot and looks like he could stir major shit in the city of Port Charles for years to come. He’s pissin’ off people left and right, yet you just know that the women are getting that tingle thing going when he messes with them. Thin line between love and hate and all that. Actually, if he lives long enough, he just might help us bring the PC available male/female ratio back into line. Right now the only single male characters on the show are under the age of 21. Maybe Jesse is a tad over, but still. Every other man on the show is either married and hot (Rick, Lucky, & Mac) too dangerous and/or complicated to mess with (Jason, Sonny & Lorenzo) jailbait-ish (Dylan and Jesse) or just too damn old so that no one would want to hook up with them because then you’d never see them again cuz they don’t rate a storyline (Ned, Alan, Tony and Edward). We need Jason Thompson’s cocky brand of hotness – the package ain’t bad either. Anyone else notice Larry Poindexter (Dr. Thom-ass) on “Las Vegas” the other night?
I love that show – I mean, you’ve got your eye candy, both male and female, fabulous clothes and a bunch of total whackjobs coming and going that guarantee amusing stories for miles. Plus they seem to have absolutely no problem whatsoever hiring from the daytime soap pool. Ya gotta love it.
It was so wonderful to hear confirmation of Tristan Rogers (Robert Scorpio) return to GH. I started watching at the height of Luke and Laura while Producer Gloria Monty was in full “Supercouple” mode.
I loved the adventures and I didn’t care if they were ridiculous – I mean, could someone really freeze the world – oh wait, unless we were willing to pay 1 billion, million, kajillion dollars to make it not happen. I guess in the interest of fairness, though it really goes against my grain, I should mention the hubbub about Emma Samms’ return as Holly Scorpio. My first thought was; “crap – I thought the teaser would be Finola since Kim Mc is back.” Then I started doing a little research and came across this bit of dialogue between Holly and Robert back in the day. Holly: "We
have a good marriage and it's
Robert: "As long as I know there's going to be a Holly: (smiling) "Thank you."
Robert: (smiling playfully) "You know I
Holly: (she smiles looking at him like he's nuts) Robert: "Sam." Holly: "Samantha."
Robert: "Ok we'll save this argument until Holly: "Agreed." Now this just blows what little is left of my mind. First off, I’d heard all the talk of making Sam and Robin sisters, but without some heavy duty rewriting of backstory, it seemed pretty undoable. But I never thought about them being cousins… still, this could all be for nothing if what all the EOS writers picked up from the conversation between Alexis and Sam has any deeper meaning. Yes, I’m talking about that remark that went something like “when a mother will do anything to protect her child”. She said it after Sam had bowed up and smacked the crap outta her and then refused to let Ric slap Sam’s ass in jail. By the way, that was one very impressively realistic bitch slap I must say. Anyway, I was all set to jump on the “Sam is a Cassadine” wagon until I saw this. Now I’m just confused. But what else is new? |