SURPRISE, SURPRISE! It has been quite a while since I have had any inclination to comment on GH, good or bad. I still find very little to fast forward for some reason (except for the exceedingly tiresome Carly) but on the other hand there has been little to be excited about. But after catching up on almost a week’s worth of shows, I have found something to talk about. First of all, there is the surprisingly attractive and well rounded character of Jasper Jacks. He has never been a favorite of mine, especially with the way he treated Skye, and after kidnapping Nik’s baby. Now, and I must admit that Ingo has become increasingly charming in this role, he is a decent, thoughtful, reasonable person, aside from being a good businessman and father to Morgan. This is the whole package and Carly is a fool to toy with him and his sincere feelings towards her. Who else would want this harpy - Surely not Sonny anymore? Jax is well written and well played and finally has a welcomed presence. Unfortunately, all his decency and rationale is combated by Carly, who seems to have not a shred of happiness in her life, even with Jax, and is a needlessly conniving, hurtful, selfish woman. She has always been defensive, but the degree of her unwavering vengefulness is totally unacceptable and I believe the character has worn out its welcome. Another sort of surprise has been the evolution of Maxie. Kristen Storms is just plain adorable and believable. Where LuLu has not wavered in her selfish, bratty, obnoxious behavior, Maxie has learned and acknowledged her past and does not deserve to be treated so badly by Lulu when she is just trying to help and survive through the misfortune of Logan’s death. Maxie has also been rounded out and can stand on her own. Lulu is still the pesky mosquito we need to swat all the time. Nice surprise – Mac has been on for almost a week! Finally he is there doing HIS job instead of letting the DA or the mayor do it for him. John J. York is such an attractive, and might I add well-preserved actor, with a character who has historical value and really should be there more frequently. Cheers to whoever decided to give him some air time. I wouldn’t count Diane and Max (or Diane and anyone) as a surprise anymore – just a refreshing, humorous and intelligent presence who always shines. She has forced the development of Max, which has been a good thing. Little surprising bits of humor have crept in, too. The Emmy has made an appearance in the background of several episodes! The always welcomed presence of Coleman was enhanced further by watching him and a partner dance in the background of a scene at Jake’s with Robin, Anna and Patrick. Very cool! Jason’s reaction to Maxie and Spinelli in bed (or in “couch” since there are no beds apparently in Port Charles), as well as his reaction to most everything - priceless. Another plus is that the cast has become more integrated, which is a good thing. A not so good thing still lies with the writing. Some characters as so well and appropriately written while the main storylines are uneven, not well thought out and not very creative or interesting enough. But that’s no surprise!!. You can write
to Linda at: |