Sleep is
the interest we have to pay on the capital which is called in at death;
and the higher the rate of interest and the more regularly it is paid,
the further the date of redemption is postponed.
O bed! O
bed! delicious bed!
That heaven upon earth to the weary head.
enough sleep, we all become tall two-year-olds.
Then, the
cool kindliness of sheets, that soon
Smooth away trouble; and the rough male kiss
Of blankets....
~Rupert Brooke
January 9, 2007
Wheee Haawww!
Life just keeps on rolling, I tell ya.
I have been
looking at this page for a while trying to think of what to say.
Time just marches on. It's hard for me to believe that the New
Year is already a week past. I still have to force myself to write
2007 on checks and such.
I got behind
on sleep Sunday night when I stayed up writing an editorial and now
can't seem to get caught up. It's all situational. My body
wants to sleep and I'm tired enough, but external factors conspire to
make sure I wake up a few times through the night. I figure it has
to let up some time.
babysitting for a friend tonight while she attends a meeting of the
Pioneer Fire Protection District, a meeting that Eric is also attending.
It's small town stuff of a board of directors that is trying to be the
tail wagging the dog and since I'm all kinds of Grizzly Flats press by
way of my position as editor of
Grizzly Flats Online, (Imagine me puffing myself up with pride real
and imagined right now) I'm steeping in it a bit. Tonight was
Eric's turn to attend the meeting and take notes (and photos, should a
community brawl ensue and as high as tempers are running over the
subject at hand, I wouldn't be surprised).
I made what
was supposed to be a quick run into town today, remembering that there
is no quick run into town in these parts so I guess a "quicker" run.
I did a bank run, picked up some necessities at Walmart (toothpaste,
snore spray since I am waking my damned self up now, American cheese and
hot dog buns...all of the vital necessities of life). Got out to
my jeep and as I was pulling out of the parking space, the thing died.
Shit. I knew I had a half tank of gas, so it wasn't that. I
started it again and it cranked over and ran, but it was going kind of
shabby. I made it to the back exit of Walmart and the car was
losing power and overheating (again), so I pulled into a parking place
and called Eric.
After a lot
of back and forth and pulling the relay for the air conditioner clutch
and figuring whether to try and drive home (40 minutes) or drive to a
repair shop (and pay someone to do things Eric might be able to do if I
could get it home), the engine cooled and stayed cool
as I was driving, so I limped it on home about an hour after I was
supposed to be there. After a lot of examining, he determined the
cooling fan was not kicking on and needs to be replaced.
Unfortunately, there is not a cooling fan to be had in town, so we're
going to have to go to "The Valley" to get it. Agggh.
I'm behind on
housework. Yesterday, I got the laundry done. Today, I got
the downstairs under control. Tomorrow is putting clothes on hangers
(OK, didn't get all the laundry done) and try to rest.
No, life is
not particularly exciting these days. Eric is training a friend to
help out with his part of the route so that he is freed up now and then
for construction work. He has 3 jobs going on that should be good
supplementation to the post office salary. Fortunately, for most
of the work of these jobs, he can hire guys to do the work while he
continues to deliver the mail. Whether he hires someone to deliver
the mail or hires someone to install the electrical systems, he still
has to hire someone. Might as well stay as close to home as he
Now, I'm
trying to stretch out an unworkable budget and keep the whole thing held
together with bubble gum and bandaids until the cavalry comes.
My muse is
broken and for the moment, thinking deep thoughts just isn't happening.
Maybe later in the week after some sleep, I'll be back to myself again.
For now, I'm
lusting for relaxation and healing and financial security and wondering
why I dislike Kirsty Alley so much now when I liked her so much during
her "Look Who's Talking" days.
Even that's
about to break my brain.
