Another week
has melted away. It was a good one
overall, despite some challenges. I have
been totally impressed by Eric's ability to
take things in stride, especially during a
Mercury Retrograde. What's
interesting about each of the three Mercury
Retrogrades for 2007 is that the three weeks
of retrograde in each instance begins in a
water sign (emotional reversal) and ends in an
air sign (intellectual reversal). It's
an incredible opportunity to explore emotional
obstacles in our lives and then ease over into
the intellectual side of things. What a
wonderful balance!
Nathan and I loaded up a big trashcan and the
rake and went to our 3 main clusters of
mailboxes to clean. There were duplicate
phone books that were thrown on the ground,
trash in the unused mailboxes and lots and
lots of pine needles, road trash and sticks
and such around the boxes. We cleaned
and raked and got it all nice and pretty.
I also mapped out my mail route so that the
postmaster can see where there are unused
boxes so new people can take over those
instead of just putting up more boxes at the
Andrea has been
on vacation, so I have been exercising on my
own. I only did 2 of the 4 days off
because I felt like my body needed some
recuperative time. I'm reading Bob
Greene's 12 week makeover book and I'm going
to be following that starting tomorrow.
My results are still all in dress sizes
instead of showing up on the scale, but I'm
going to keep at it. Bob only has 5
rules regarding food and diet (let's see if I
can remember them: Drink at least 6 8oz
glasses of water a day (I haven't been doing
that). Eat a healthy breakfast (been
doing that). Eliminate alcohol (I don't
drink). Have a cut off time for eating
(I usually do that, but not as much lately as
I did before). The last one... What was
it? Shit. Oh yes! Eat with
intention. (As in, don't eat out of
emotion). I'm good with that one too, so
most of his rules, I'm already following.
I do need to up one of my days of aerobic
exercise to 60 minutes instead of the usual
40. I'm a little intimated by that idea,
but I think that I will do it by walking the
dogs. I also have to read the section
more carefully and see if I can break up the
60 minutes into two sessions or if I have to
do it all at once.
K-Mart had a
sale on their Bally Fitness stock and I got a
door gym, a set of resistance tubes
specifically set up for ankle work, an ab
tightener (like the old bullworkers, only
smaller) and a rowing thingie. They will
make a nice addition to my collection.
We are supposed
to get snow this week, starting around
Wednesday. The forecast calls for snow
on Wednesday and Thursday, then rain on Friday
and Saturday, which likely means 4 days of
snow. The weather has been so beautiful
and Spring-like that I really hate to give it
up. My poor little daffodils got lulled
into a false sense of security and popped up
early, so they're going to have a rude
awakening in a few days.
I dread doing
the mail route on the snow. I just don't
drive well on ice and snow. Fortunately,
I will only have to do the top of the route as
Eric has volunteered to do the rest. I
have to do a lot of self-talking to keep from
being tense the whole time I'm driving on
slick roads. I am going to just believe
that all will be well and the 4-wheel drive
combined with going really, really slow will
save me. Normally, there is a period of
time for about 2 months where we rarely have
mail delivered because the snow is so bad.
I am going to do my best to avoid that this
year and get the mail out there on as many
days as I can.
I watched the
movie "The Departed," which I eagerly awaited
since so many people had said it was
wonderful. I think I'm just dumb or
something because I watched it and, well, I
just didn't get it. I repeated the story
back to Eric and he pretty much said, "Yep,
that's it" and said I didn't miss anything
contextual, but it just didn't grab me as
being particularly Oscar worthy and
remarkable. I did, however, love the one
that didn't make me think at all, which was
'John Tucker Must Die.'
I also have
"Click" to watch and "The Devil Wears Prada"
is on its way for a quick rewatch. We
saw it in the theater and loved it. One
time, then back to Netflix.
Delena asked to
dye her hair red, so I helped her do that
tonight. It is normally a really dark
blonde that is almost light brown. The
color she picked is Clairol Herbal Essence
#44, which is a very striking red. It's
not a burgundy, but is actually red and it
takes a bit of getting used to. It looks
good, but it looks really different. I
haven't dyed my hair in well over a year now
and it's really salt and peppery. Every
time I think of dying it, it just doesn't feel
right, so I'm going ala natural. I do,
however, need a good haircut at some point.
A pedicure would be nice too. Someday.
Eric and I
spent a couple of weeks contemplating our
vehicles. The Jeep is really too small
for the kids when they are all in it together
and it has some overheating problems that we
can't seem to fix. It's been through 2
transmissions in the past year. We were
all set to trade it in on some larger kind of
4 wheel drive vehicle, but then David, who was
going to babysit for us while we car shopped,
had HIS car stolen and couldn't come that
weekend. In the interim, we decided that
we are just not prepared to get into debt even
further and incur such a huge monthly payment.
It would cost around $600 a month to finance
the type of vehicle we would need and I'd like
to be more financially sound before that
happens. Plus, I really do like the way
my jeep handles when driving on the mountain,
so I went out and gave it a hug and we're
going to keep it. Eric's car is finally
fixed (both vehicles need new tires), so we
are going to sit tight and let that be our
financially intelligent move for the year.
My next
intelligent move is to go to sleep because my
head is going to hit the keyboard at any
minute. Don't want to get "home-rowed."
Be particular,
