Forensics: Because the Unexamined Life Is Not Worth Living
March 20, 2007
Happy Spring! I am so very excited that the equinox is
here!! Today is overcast and a little dreary, chilly and
dank. We were supposed to get rain last night and today, but
it has yet to manifest. I already miss the warmth that we
have had over the past two weeks.
Certainly, we will get more snow, whether it's a little or a lot
remains to be seen.
today, however, we're between the two extremes. There's low
hanging fog and I can't seem to get warm today.
finally got our taxes completed on Sunday, which was an
interesting endeavor since Eric essentially started two businesses
last year (the mail route is considered a contract, so it's a 1099
situation, and the General Telemetry & Electric). We made
our way through it, though, and got it all sorted out. We
are both relieved to have that handled for the year.
I am
so very excited that I have completed buying the tickets for me
and Delena for the GH Fan Club weekend in July. I can feel
that this is going to be the best year yet. The vibes are
definitely in the air for a stress-free, fun time with friends.
I am so excited to be sharing this time with Delena. I
wondered if maybe I would feel imposed upon since this is my "me"
time away from the family, but I found that the exact opposite is
true. I LOVE sharing this with her and it has truly allowed
me to see her in a different light and recognize what a fun,
intelligent young woman she has become. Having her there
actually makes the experience better for me.
can feel that I am not getting enough sleep. This daylight savings
time crap messes me up every single year. When and if the
government ever comes to its senses and scraps the whole idea, it
will be a happy day for me. For the moment, I'm getting up
way too early and my inner clock is not handling knowing when to
go to bed, so I feel tired all of the time. Also, this is my
PMS week and that leaves me with low energy and feeling all bloaty
and cumbersome.
Since we celebrate the Equinox instead of Easter, my kids will
have their baskets this weekend. We have a tradition that
the kids really enjoy that when they get up, there is one plastic
egg in their basket. That one egg has a clue to where they
will find the next egg and what small gift they will find beside
the next egg. The next egg has another clue and so they have
about 5-6 eggs leading them around the house to find their Equinox
gifts, culminating in their "big" gift.
We're going to take them to see the new Ninja Turtles movie on
Friday, so it should be a nice weekend for them. Our friend,
Jenn, is coming up to visit so that should be a nice weekend for
us too!
was tremendously happy to see the trailer for the Pirates of the
Caribbean movie that comes out on May 25th. It looks
wonderful and I can't wait to see it. Yahoo has it up now if
you want to check it out.
did watch Dancing With the Stars season debut last night and I
found myself wanting to do my own trimming down of the stars right
away. I do realize that sometimes, some of the stars are
late bloomers and get better right away as the weeks go by, but
it's going to be painful to watch until then. I loved that
little Apollo fellow who is an olympic skater and his super young
trainer. They bring a very vibrant, "alive" energy to the
show which is very needed with the dismal cast of female "stars"
chosen for this season. They were all very stiff and uptight
and looked like they were being forced to perform. No joy,
no joy, no joy. I'd oust all of the ladies immediately.
The only POSSIBLE contender was Laila Ali, who showed good
Clyde Drexler and Billy Ray Cyrus battled one another for the
title of "worst, most boring, most mind-bendingly awful start."
I could go my whole entire life and never know a song exists
called "I Want My Mullet Back." But no, Billy Ray felt this
was something I needed to know. I might never forgive him
for that.
If I
hear anything else about how brave Heather Mills is for doing this
with a prosthetic leg, I am going to want to pull it off of her
and beat her in the head with it. I think it would have been
much more interesting had they NOT ever mentioned that she has a
prosthetic leg and just had it whiz off of her in the middle of a
particularly volatile "Jive" exhibition. THEN start talking about
the motorcycle cop that ran her over in front of Kensington Palace
and destroyed her leg. Now THAT would be entertainment!
Especially if it happened to be followed by some really juicy
gossip about Paul McCartney.
leg aside, it was obvious that the judges were baking out all of
their grey cells trying to come up with ways to describe her
awful dancing that did not include the words "stiff" or
"Cliff From Cheers" Ratzenburger really surprised me by turning in
an absolutely respectable first effort, especially considering
that he was a last minute replacement for *somebody* (I don't know
who) and only had 2 weeks to prepare. He done good.
Although Apollo was great and is a major contender, at the moment,
the contest is definitely between the very loveable Joey Fatone
(who is snippity little Barbie trainer calls "Joey Fat One,"
bitch) and Ian Ziering (some guy from 90210 who I never heard of
before last night). They both just came out the starting
gate kicking ass. Mind you, Ian is also paired with two time
champion of DWTS, Cheryl Burke, so he has quite an edge.
I voted for Joey and Kym.
few times
was recently asked what three bits of advice I would give someone
who wanted to find peace, lighten their mental load and create
balance in their life. I thought about it for a long time
and came up with this:
Never say 'no' if you're going to regret taking a chance or 'yes'
if you're going to regret it later.
Wear cute shoes.
(You know what's coming next) Be particular.
think those three things could change the face of society if truly
embraced and acted upon.
to go be a mom and help the boys clean up their room, then put all
of my clothes away in the dresser and closet. I hate that
part of laundry.
also insist on waking up tomorrow more rested than I feel today.
know what to do...in all things, be particular. They other
two are pretty good thoughts as well, though.

March 12, 2007
you think this is hopeful enough? I couldn't look at the
snow any more when it's (get ready!) 70 degrees outside!!
The snow is all melted in front, but in the back past the fence,
there's still a good 4-6 inches that has a hard crust on it and
has not melted yet. It will likely be here for a long while
yet. The good news is that I rarely go out there, so who
weather is positively beautiful out and I'm really drinking it in.
Sure, the dogwoods have not bloomed yet, so we are definitely
going to have another snow, but how much and for how long is the
real question.
Meanwhile, I'm lovin it.
I was delivering mail today, feeling the sun on my shoulders was
absolutely glorious. I felt reborn.
has been a really exciting time. Who would know that after
10 years together that Eric and I would have so much to talk about
and teach one another? We were talking about different
aspects of our relationship and it was wild to learn that the way
we thought the other one felt or was ended up being completely
different, but in a good way. It turns out, our goals
and hopes are completely in tandem and there were a whole lot of
old, outmoded and destructive thought processes I was employing
that were seriously holding us back.
feel as though a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders as a
result and so feeling reborn because of the sun shining is very
symbolic for me. This is definitely a banner year and I am
excited at the changes that are happening.
Chief among them is the decision to fully embrace physical
fitness. I work out at least 5 days a week and we've gotten
up to 45-60 minutes at a stretch. Eric says he is going to
walk the dogs with me every day, so that will give me another
45-60 minutes of cardio each day. My knees are sore from the
squats and lunges, but I believe that is from the amount of weight
I am putting on them when I do those exercises. I think it
will resolve as my weight lowers and my strength builds. I
do feel very much better, much stronger and more capable.
funny how doing something like exercising every day causes a
plural meaning in that not only do you feel stronger in the
sense that you are physically stronger, but also stronger in the
sense that you feel more capable and empowered. I used to
believe that this was something I couldn't do and here I am doing
it. I used to believe that any observation about me as a
person that came from Eric was a criticism when sometimes it's
merely something that he is seeing that I don't.
year in particular, I have felt myself opening up to new ideas,
new possibilities and new ways of thinking. It makes me
think of the title of the wonderful Iyanla VanZandt book, One
Day My Soul Just Opened Up. That is so telling and
expressive and accurate.
have learned that the more we impose labels on ourselves and
create thoughts that are absolutes (he always, he never...), the
more we limit ourselves. When we put ourselves in a box of
any kind, the sides of that box turn into walls and then there we
are, trapped by limitations of our own making.
I am
listening to my Sweet Potato Queens audio books again and they
always make me smile. I have "Stranger That Fiction" to
watch, plus the new Christiane Northrup lecture on Menopause and
any luck, the worst of the snow is behind us and we can look
forward to months of glorious weather. I'm definitely ready
to great the warmth of the year and put the Winter behind me!
hope you are having warm, beautiful days and have the opportunity
to enjoy them fully!
