Not in a million years would I have thought this would
happen to me. However it has. I am here to proudly claim, I love country
music!! I am not as educated to know who sings what or their stats. I
think if I was a contestant on Jeopardy, I would do well in the Broadway
category or the soap opera category. However I can honestly say as much as
I love country music, I am far from being a scholar.
I heard this song a few months ago by Tim McGraw called
"Live Like You Were Dying." Yes I've heard it's been around a long time,
but I am somewhat new to this game. I listened to these words and realized
this was my time. I decided that like the TV show "Twenty Good Years," I
have pretty much that left to make up for my lost time. So I listed all
the things I wanted to do in my life or have done. Once I completed each,
I crossed it off. Am I Earl? NAH, just Max!!!
I started with a list of at least 100. I won't bore you
with this list but it did include going on a hay ride with my husband,
becoming a Bat Mitzvah, being on TV, riding a cable car in San Francisco,
making a speech in public without sweating and last, but certainly not
least, playing on the floor with my grandchild. So far I have completed
all these listed. However now that I am listing, the list gets larger and
larger. Frankly, it's very exciting for me and those around me to do all
these great and new things. My friends get roped into doing all these new
things that they haven't listed. However, they are starting to list and I
get to accomplish their goals too. It's really a wonderful time and
bonding time of life.
Now, come December, my husband and I will have another
entry of my list crossed off. It's been a dream of mine and his to go to
Hawaii. Even though our 30th anniversary was last November, we are
celebrating it this year.
All dreams and efforts do not have to be grand. Living
like you were dying isn't negative. How many times do we say, "Some
day..." For most of us, that some day never happens. Take the time
to make your dreams and needs work for you. IT has to matter for you
and really, isn't that all that matters?
Oh, mirror in the
What is love?
Can the child within my heart rise above?
Can I sail thru the changing ocean tides?
Can I handle the seasons of my life?
... Stevie Nicks, c1975

Maxine's Arichives
October 7, 2006
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