Eye on Soaps Guest Writers' Guidelines 1) Subject matter for columns submitted must be directed to ABC soaps and/or the soap genre. You may write about one show, two of the shows, all three shows, one character, one actor, one couple, one pertinent subject, etc. You are free to vary your subject matter from column to column (for instance, you can write one column on OLTL, one on GH, one on Adam Chandler, etc). You do not have to limit yourself to the box you create with your first submission. Remember that while one submission might not be what we are looking for, another might just hit the spot. 2) Columns submitted should be "print ready," meaning that they say exactly what you want to say and have been run through both spell check and grammar check. Multiple edits after the column has posted are not feasible. Columns should be written in Arial, Times New Roman or Verdana font, 12pt, black print. 3) Columns should be formatted in Microsoft Word or pasted into an email. There is no limit or requirement in terms of the size of the column; however, the column should be divided appropriately into paragraph form. 4) All work submitted in a column to Eye on Soaps becomes the property of Eye on Soaps as soon as it is posted. By submitting work, you agree that it may be edited as needed (the intent and integrity of the piece will be preserved as much as possible). 5) Agendas are expressly NOT allowed. This site will not be used to constantly bash or glorify one actor/character/couple, etc. Again, column content should show a balanced appreciation for the genre of soaps and ABC soaps specifically. If you are writing solely to bash or worship at a particular altar on an ongoing basis, that is not what we are looking for in our Guest columns. 6) Our preference is to find Guest Writers who write because they have a strong love for the genre of soaps as a whole rather than those who are locked into zealous adoration or degradation of one tiny aspect of the shows (as in one couple/actor/character). Each one of our regular columnists (except for Maxine Bennett, who is, well, Maxine) started out as a Guest Writer. 7) You will not be paid for your submission. No one on staff at Eye on Soaps is compensated financially for their work. We will, however, say "thank you" and we will mean it. 8) There is no guarantee that your work will be posted. We will carefully read and consider each submission. Some will be posted right away. Some will be filed away for future consideration. Decisions on what columns to post will be based on several factors, including but not limited to what is needed on the site at that time, the overall quality of the work, whether or not it is formatted as described above and adherence to these guidelines. A column may be returned to you with suggestions for changes that make it more in keeping with the type of work we are seeking at that time. 9) Swearing is allowed, but for occasional emphasis rather than as its own written language. 10) "Text talk" such as "u" for "you," "L8tr" for "later" and other such abbreviations are greatly frowned upon. Please be literate. Headaches, I tell you. Headaches. 11) Slandering actors, other columnists, sites or other real life humans is not allowed in Guest columns. Characters are considered fictional and are definitely open for the occasional barb, but let's not belabor the hate. 12) Balance is the atmosphere we seek to cultivate. Guest columns should support that site objective. We take our website and its content very seriously. We honor the right of different people to have different opinions and to present them respectfully and with class. We are looking for Guest Writers who are able to do that. 13) VERY IMPORTANT!!! If you wish to have readers contact you regarding your column, you must provide an email address that can be posted on your column! If you are uncomfortable using your own personal primary email address, I recommend creating secondary email account that is only used for EOS mail. That way, your regular email account remains private. If no email address is provided with the submission, no email address will be posted on your column and your readers will be unable to contact you. If you are OK with readers contacting you at your usual email address, that is fine as well. 14) Please let us know how you would like to be bylined if your piece is accepted. You may use your real name, your first name only or a pseudonym.
Do you feel you have something interesting to say that others might enjoy reading? Do you know someone who should have their name in lights and be published on our site? Give them a nudge in our direction! The staff of EOS loves to read the fun, intelligent work of others, so entertain us! To submit your work to the editor and owner of EOS, take a deep breath (let it out), carefully read and follow the guidelines above, then send your masterpiece to krasbold@earthlink.net for consideration.