PopLiFe (Cont)
Hotel heiress Paris Hilton is laying low and minding her p's and q's while holding her breath to see where her living quarters will be situation in the near future. After an aggressive campaign to convince Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to pardon her from her sentence of 45 days in the can for drunk-driving on a suspended license and being a menace to me for being famous for absolutely nothing (plus flashing her whoozit out for everyone to see in those no undies pictures with Lindz Lohan), she has been told by her lawyers to straighten up her act in an attempt to convince an appeals judge that she's really, really, no really sorry. For the record, our Governator basically told her to eff off. His official response was, "I've never got any request. But I have many more important things to think about." The jail in which she would serve her term sounds like heaven to harried moms, but will likely be hell on earth for a pampered princess. She would spend 45 days in a 12x8' cell with a toilet, a sink and a 6" window. She will eat 3 low-sodium meals a day with dinner being the only hot meal not served cold. She can leave the cell for at least an hour a day to shower, watch TV in the day room, participate in outdoor recreation or make phone calls on the pay phone using prepaid phone cards. Cell phones are not allowed and *sigh* neither are blackberries or little skinny dogs or lattes. Supposedly to avoid this punishment, stated by Paris and her lawyers to be "cruel" for someone of Paris' lifestyle, she has started dressing in a more reserved manner, stopped drinking and cut back on the partying. She's no doubt holding her breath because California prisons are so crowded that a large percentage of nonviolent, low-security convicts are serving only a fraction of their sentence if not having the sentence completely suspended to free up jail space for more deserving criminals. This being the case and since her family is throwing money anywhere they can to protect their daughter from being punished for her (repeated) crimes, she might avoid jail time altogether. The nation holds its breath in eager anticipation of the next Paris news. For myself, I was laughing myself silly when Laura of "LauraFries," saw her in person and in answering the question of whether or not Paris is "skinny," replied, "As Satan's coccyx." Forbes Magazine recently released the list of what they consider to be the most "overexposed" celebrities of the year. Leading up the roster for this year was Britney Spears, followed by Paris Hilton, Kevin Federline, Tom Cruise, Nicole Ritchie, Lindsay Lohan, Michael Jackson and Donald Trump for the top 8. To get the full report, click here. Interestingly enough, both Howard Sterns were included: the one with the "K" and the one without it.
Mike Greenfield, Linda Evans' manager, scoffs at the claims saying, "Linda hurting somebody? I find it unbelievable." Director Dee Snyder of Twisted Sister had no comment. OK, I'm just kidding about that one part. Dee Snyder was not the director.
That's MS
AMBASSADOR to you, cupcake! Actress Drew Barrymore has been
Ambassador Against Hunger for the United Nations World Food Program,
a campaign dedicated to improving the lives of people in poor
countries. The "Charlie's Angels" star says, "I am honored and humbled to accept this
challenging and rewarding assignment. I can't think of any issue
that is more important than working to see that no schoolchild in
this world goes hungry." Other high-profile ambassadors for the U.N.
include Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt and George Clooney.
The surfer cum FBI film, "Point Break" is about to cut loose with a sequel a cool 16 years after the release of the first movie, which ended up being a surprise sleeper success. Peter Iliff, writer of the screenplay for the original movie, will write and direct the newest installment. "Point Break 2" revolves around an ex-professional surfer who enlists in the US Navy and is recruited to track down a criminal gang based in South-East Asia. The movie is being financed by RGM Entertainment and talks are currently underway to lure in the show's original cast members, specifically Keanu Reeves and Patrick Swayze. Did Bodhi die? I am guessing that depends on whether or not Patty signs onto the project. In the what?...WHAT? department for this month where you sincerely hope it's something you'll ultimately read about on snopes.com as a horrible, horrible hoax, The Post Chronical reports that Amy Fisher and ex-lover, Joey Buttafuoco, having separated from their respective mates, are set up for a "romantic reality series." On her official website, www.amyfisher.com, no mention is made of this, so there is still hope. |