September 19, 2007

Watching the Emmy Awards… 

Decided to just make notes while watching and then transcribe them to share, it gets long enough even just doing that!   I watched some of the arrivals so I have a few initial fashion comments: 

Ellen Pompeo frightens me, quite seriously!  That hair belongs on Star Trek or something. 

I’m not sure what Portia and Ellen were thinking exactly, but apparently it was something along the lines of “Ooo, ooh, I know!  You wear something huge, weird and silver around your neck and I’ll wear something huge, weird and gold around mine!”  I mean, really?  Ellen’s is disturbingly similar to those old-fashioned fan or light pulls. 

I think Julia Louis-Dreyfus’ dress is really nice, though this picture doesn’t really flatter it.  The color was different (as in, everyone wasn’t wearing it – talking about you “red”!) and all, and she looked nice except that she should’ve done something more with her hair.  She was among the many that looked good, except would’ve looked better if she had finished it off with I don’t know…a hairstyle? 

Ali Larter looked very nice,  though again with the hair.  I love the dress though, it’s pretty. 

Love Kristen Bell’s dress too!  The color is very flattering, she looks great. 

Yes Paula Abdul, we really needed the illusion that maybe you have your breast popped out of your dress.  Way to keep us on the edge of our seats, because just staying upright isn’t gonna cut it anymore. 

Heidi Klum – also gorgeous in red.  I think her overall looks is fabulous, she’s so glamorous.  I’m not entirely sold on the dress, it’s a little fussy for me.  I felt the same about Katherine Heigl – she looked great, the dress just wasn’t anything special. 

Hayden Panettiere is going to get a lot of flak for this dress!  I have to say though, she’s a gorgeous girl and for a younger girl, I don’t hate the dress.  It’s a little refreshing to know there are a few people out there that don’t feel you have to squeeze into a wetsuit and show ever contour you have in order to be glamorous.  She can’t wear something like that every time, but I’m okay with it for now, she’s cute. 

I thought Sara Ramirez dress and overall look was beautiful!  This picture really doesn’t do it justice, she was luminous.  I’m not fond of that little peek-a-boo spot down on her left pelvic area…but otherwise, wonderful. 

Jennifer Morrison looks great as well.  The dress is very…silver, however, I love the style of it and love her hair and accessories.   

On to the show: 

We have a cartoon opening.  I don’t have a clue who the cartoons are, but they’re amusing.  A few funny jokes – mocking the Sopranos ending was funny. 

The stage is round and apparently a bunch of unlucky actors get to sit and stare at butts and the backs of heads all night!  Do they not know that “in the round” only works if the entertainer is going to um, move?  Are they planning to have the presenters turn half way through their monologue?  What the hell?  Oh well.  This way when the boring “President of the Academy of blah, blah” starts “Blah, blah, blahing” I can watch the actors behind him and see if anyone is arguing or picking their nose or whatever.   

Ryan Seacrest is our host.  He’s trying and it’s not terrible I suppose.  His hello to Eva Longoria and Teri Hatcher is cute.   

Ray Romano is doing a really kind of long monologue and it’s really kind of not that funny.  He apparently isn’t very well-acquainted with his barber anymore either, one would think a haircut would be in order before the Emmys!   

Uh…apparently Ray said something objectionable and we went straight to a shot of a disco ball on the ceiling.  Fun. 

Okay, apparently we’ve finally discerned that Ray is here to present Supporting Actor in a Comedy!  Winner is, Jeremy Piven for Entourage.  Whatever.  Neil Patrick Harris is hysterical in How I Met Your Mother, he’s seriously a comic force.  I missed most of Jeremy’s speech due to my “Neil was robbed” speech.   

America Ferrara looks gorgeous, she and the half-plucked bird Vanessa Williams are here to present Supporting Actor in a Drama.  Holy thankyouverymuch!  Terry O’Quinn won!  He won!  I’m astounded!  From the moment Locke on Lost gave us that creepy, unforgettable orange peel grin I have been Locke’s biggest fan ever.  I love Terry O’Quinn and he looks great in a bright pink shirt…love it.  He’s obviously completely at home on stage and he gives a very classy speech and I love him, have I mentioned that?  Eeeee!  Tough category, and VERY deserved win.   

Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Tina Fey (who looks nice as well) give a cute shtick about being rivals.  They’re presenting Supporting Actress in a Comedy.  Jamie Pressly and her ugly dress come up to accept the award.  I hear that maybe she’s not the nicest person in real life, but I do so enjoy Joy on My Name is Earl – she is excellent and downright brave at times with her performances. 

Be still my heart, it’s Kyle Chandler!  I’m sure there’s someone with him to help present, but I don’t notice who.  Kyle should be nominated for Friday Night Lights.  If I were the boycotting type, I’d totally boycott this ceremony based on that alone.  He’s presenting Supporting Actor in a Mini-Series or Movie.  Winner is Thomas Hayden Church for a western shown on AMC.  I wonder if my TV even gets AMC?  I never watch anything on it, I know that much.  Mr. Church is feeling pretty emotional and he dedicates the award to three people – then proceeds to name two.  I think.  So then I figure I should rewind the DVR and see if he named three, before I go making fun.  So I hit rewind and the DVR has one of those really annoying “I’ll do whatever I damn well please” moments and won’t STOP rewinding.  It goes all the way back to before the show started before it stops.  (and starts and stops sixteen more times since I never can remember that hitting stop repeatedly won’t make it work better)  Gah.  So after all that, I find the speech and guess what?  He did say three people.  Two were married, so they kind of got lumped in together.  Anyway, good for Thomas Hayden Church. 

Ellen comes aboard The Round, to introduce a montage of…something.  No idea what the point of that was…it was clips of funny little one-liners from mostly late night hosts, the majority of them Bush jokes but then a few Brit and Federline mentions.  Then it went straight into a memorial for someone and …continuity much?  Didn’t think so.  

The men from Entourage are up with Eva Longoria to announce Supporting Actress in a Drama.  Katherine Heigl wins, and swears, so we get the ball again.  Then she comes onstage and seems genuinely shocked, announces that her mom didn’t think she had a chance in hell of winning so she told her not to prepare anything.  Cut to mom, who looks…annoyed.  I’m annoyed too, because I don’t watch Grey’s Anatomy and I’m tired of having to look up whether it’s “Gray’s” or “Grey’s”, so just take it off the air already. 

Next up are the comedy writers category and they have cute little skits to announce the five thousand names involved.  Love it.  Conan’s writing team wins, and Conan brought the crazy hair tonight, that’s for sure.  Has its own zip code, I suspect.  A writer makes a cute little crack about Katherine Heigl’s mom thinking they *were* going to win, and we all see that comedy writers are quick-witted little suckers.   

Ryan says the kids from Kid Nation are powering the new green Emmy’s on treadmills in the back.  Ha.  (I wrote a bit about that show on my new Blog this weekend and no, that is not the only reason I’m mentioning Ryan’s comment – it was funny!  Self-promotion is not my style.  Plus, it’s just a silly little SHERRY'S BLOG, hardly worth mentioning.  Hardly.  Anybody watch 30 Rock?  Want a Snapple?) 

It’s performance time!  Or, what I like to call “extended potty break time”.  Christina Aguilera looks stunning, as usual though maybe lay off the orange spray a little.  The song is nice and all, no idea what it has to do with the Emmy’s though, did it win something? 

Oh, Alec Baldwin just announced that a Tony Bennett performance won something.  Okay, makes sense I guess.  Not that that is mandatory for this broadcast it appears. 

Keifer Sutherland and Ali Larter come out to announce Best Actor in a TV Movie and Robert Duvall wins.  Shocker.  Had no idea Duvall had it in him.  Pfft.  He talks about the importance of the Western, but is cut off by music.  Good to know they’re being equal opportunity cut-offers I suppose. 

Duvall was cut off so Ryan could go talk to a blogger in the audience and make a rather rude joke about Vanessa Hudgens of High School Musical fame.  I’d have rather heard about the Westerns. 

Queen Latifah, ravishing in red, introduces a moving Roots tribute, and then some of the cast of Roots comes onstage.  Very nicely done.  They introduce winner of …Best Movie maybe?  Not sure, but one of the two westerns that are winning all those awards wins this one too.  I should probably try to see it apparently, it must be good.  Duvall accepts for this as well and he starts talking about how the five Chinese girls above the border really made the experience…?  I really do have to see this movie!  He seems quite honestly appreciative of the experiences he had making the movie, which is very touching and nice. 

Neil Patrick Harris and the “Save the Cheerleader” chick are out to announce Best Guest Actor and Actress.  The nominees are given, Actress winner is Leslie Carron …actor winner is not mentioned.  Okaaay. 

Drama Series Director winner is someone for Sopranos.  Should’ve been Friday Night Lights.  I fall asleep briefly during the acceptance speech. 

I awake to Tony Bennett and his son (?) accepting an award for something or other.  His son talks about making a “documusical”…?  Target gets a shout out!  I love Target too, thanks Tony. 

Marc Harmon and Marcia Cross present Actress in a Miniseries or Movie.  Judy Davis wins for The Starter Wife (she was good), she’s not there, Marcia handles it poorly, they leave. 

The Head of the Academy of Blah, blah is here!  Oh joy.  He talks, I pause the DVR to let him finish in peace.  Fast-forward to Mary Louise Parker, Glenn Close, and Kyra Sedgwick…all of whom are looking pretty good I must say.  They present Best Movie (thought we already did that though??)  “Wounded and Broken Knee Arrow” wins.  Not really, but there are two movies with similar names and I’m just not going to look it up right now.  Congrats though, to the winner! 

Joe Montagna presents a tribute to the Sopranos, by the Chipmunks (I mean Jersey Boys).  Kinda freaky hearing the Chipmunks sing “Walk Like a Man” while clips of every whacking every accomplished on the Sopranos play in the background.  Then the Sopranos cast comes on stage and the stage opens up and the immediate Soprano family arises from it.  So crap – did I change the channel on mistake while looking around to see if I have AMC?  I love the show and all, but geez, give us a chance to miss you before you all parade on stage like royalty.  Plus, isn’t this a little…tacky given that there are other shows nominated this year too?  This would’ve been cool a few years from now, or at least past the point of a new season starting without the Sopranos…at this point for all we know they may decide to give us six more episodes starting in March of 2010.  Pfft. 

Helen Mirren wins for something.  Cute speech in which she calls Americans generous and asks for the dramatic play off music. 

Ryan decides we haven’t spent enough time on the Sopranos yet, so he jokes with Paulie Walnuts.   

The guy from Heroes brings a computer which has some guy I don’t know on it.  The guy on the computer announces that former Vice President Gore has won an award.  He gets a standing ovation, and gives a speech about…I guess it’s about whatever he won for.  He ends with a website address and it’s looking like he won an Emmy for a website.  I had no idea you could do that!  It’s also looking like there weren’t any other nominees.   

Tony Bennett wins something again, and again mentions Target.  Awesome.  He should totally mention their clearance sales – talk about Emmy worthy.  The truth is I tried to fast forward Tony but only ended up having to watch him twice due to technical difficulties.  Figures. 

Teri Hatcher (who looks okay for a change) announces the Guest Actor and Actress winners – Stanley Tucci (yum!) and Elaine Stritch.  Elaine is quite possibly been nipping the bottle stashed in her bag, but she’s very entertaining.  They announce some directing and writing awards, and nobody I care about wins so pfft – can’t remember the names.  I do remember that they played one of my favorite moments from 30 Rock, which is when Tina Fey’s character asks Alec Baldwin’s why he’s wearing a tux and he says “It’s after six!  What am I, a farmer?”  Hee hee.   

*Skip page in notebook where I started drawing free form shapes out of boredom* 

Ryan has a costume on.  He pretends to pretend that he likes it.  He really does like it though, I can tell. 

Rainn Wilson, Kanye West and Wayne Brady are involved in a musical spoof number.  It’s somewhat entertaining, thanks to Wayne.  Kanye is being a good sport about his “I always lose” fit-throwing thing and it’s kinda fun I suppose.  I give Kanye all sorts of credit, he always comes out on top after acting like a two-year-old…that takes a special kind of brilliance, seriously.  In the end they present the award for best reality craziness and it goes to Amazing Race.   

Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert do a very amusing comic routine about the “Green Emmys”  which completely saves the show.  “If entertainers top publicly congratulating each other the earth wins!”  Loved it.  They present Lead Actor in a comedy, Ricky Gervais wins.  He’s funny.  He’s also not there, so they decide to award it to Steve Carell.   

Hugh Laurie!  He’s with Felicity Huffman and she looks really nice, though I think a little less plunge in the front of the dress would better suit her.  They present Lead Actress in a drama and Sally Field wins.  Problem #1 – Minnie Driver was MUCH more impressive in The Riches (and I can’t stand Minnie Driver), Problem #2 – Sally looks wonderful but is really scattered and making very little sense.  She has a little memory meltdown, but then pulls it together and after a deep breath goes on a “Mothers of the world” spiel but then…disco ball.  So apparently she peppered her spiel with a swear word so we don’t get to know what she took five minutes of hemming and hawing to ramping up to.  Just great.   

In Memoriam montage.  Definitely a couple “What?  He died?”  moments in there for me.  Always count on the award shows to catch you up on this stuff. 

Shatner and Messing award Lead Actress in a comedy.  Just like always, after moving at a snails pace the show is now going a hundred miles an hour.  No time for banter, no time for speeches, just awards and commercials!  America Ferrara wins, she gives a sweet and gracious speech while her cast mates stare at her butt.  Nice.   

Jimmy Smits and Kate Walsh present Actor in a Drama – James Spader wins and is semi-amusing.  His arms are short though, John McCain syndrome. 


Kelsey Grammar and Patricia Heaton present Best Comedy – 30 Rock wins – big shocker!  That show is very uneven, but near the end of the season was really starting to find its footing I thought.  I enjoy it, when I remember it’s on.  Alec Baldwin seems to have left the building though.  Tina Fey thanks their dozens and dozens of viewers – you’re welcome Tina! 

*Commercial*  (no kidding – one award in between!) 

Helen Mirren presents Best Drama, and the Sopranos wins.  The cast comes BACK up on stage, and what’s his name gives a rambling speech that kind of implies we should give the gangster next door a hug when we pass him at our kids’ school…but then goes into the gangsters running the country and…never explains exactly what he meant by that Journey song and the black screen, which is what America really wanted to hear from him.   


All told, they did spread the wealth around a little this year.  I’m sad that a few more of my favorites didn’t win but I’m ecstatic enough over Terry O’Quinn to let that tide me over until we try again next year.   

Thanks for watching with me!



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