February 28, 2006


Today I sat and watched the ‘ending’ episode on General Hospital where Holly did the pitiful pleading to Robert while Luke coached him to her arrest in the background.  There were several wonderful things happening in this episode.  Patrick showed us how sweet he is and his feelings for Robin sat on his sleeve, or actually, his face, ready for all to see. Jax told baby John he’s not his father (and in the soap world, it’s likely the kid will remember this some day) and Ric reminded Alexis she couldn’t fool him. But you know what I liked best about the show today?  Carly.  

After much thought, I’ve decided I like Laura Wright as Carly.  Not that my opinion makes a bit of difference, but it’s always nice to like the actors who star on the shows I watch.  Why do I like Laura Wright? Okay.  Here’s where some the Tamara Braun fans may get upset, so let me start by saying I liked Tamara Braun just fine.  I had no problem with her portrayal of the character.   

As far as Carlys go, I preferred Sarah Browns version, though I’m always prone to like the original actors best.  Sarah Brown had that edge.  That rough, sort of raw around the edges touch that made Carly desperate and tough.  Tamara Braun gave Carly a heart and a whole lot more class.  Jennifer Bransford, though not given enough time to have a real chance, brought Carly back to the edge with a big scoop of psychosis.    She played that with incredible talent but unfortunately as much as I liked her, I believe she was too powerful of an actress to be Carly.  The direction the writers are taking the character wouldn’t have worked with Jennifer Bransford.  She’s too strong to play the “Sonny will always be a part of my life” angle.  I just don’t think it would look believable. Too bad. She was good.  

Now we’ve got Laura Wright and though at first I wasn’t sure how she’d do, I like her.  She has chemistry with everyone in her scenes.  She has a comedic flare necessary to interact with Jason.  Her cat fighting with Robin is works.  She carries herself with a touch of class yet her ‘I’m from a trailer park and now I have money’ attitude speaks unspoken volumes.  She can turn from classy chick to white trash bitch in a millisecond.  That’s Carly.  She’s the character who started off with nothing, earned what she’s got from ways that weren’t always appropriate but damn you all, she doesn’t care what you think. You can like her or not but if she doesn’t like you, you’ll know it.  Laura Wright plays that with skill.

She’s brought back some of the Sarah Brown in Carly.  The desperation, the desire to improve, the attempts at class and appropriate behavior that get dumped without a thought when it doesn’t get her what she wants.  Tamara Braun played Carly as classy, sometimes victim-like.  It worked. She pulled off the victim-heroin to perfection.  Laura Wright plays Carly with more of an in-your-face attitude. There’s no victim here.  

What surprises me is the Jax factor.  Initially Tamara  Braun started out working with Ingo and I actually wanted a hook up.  Unfortunately there wasn’t a true ending to the Sonny and Carly saga just yet. (There likely still isn’t.) Now we’re seeing Carly and Jax again and the chemistry is just as strong, if not stronger than with Tamara Braun.  Carly’s in a position now to move on to another romance.  Sure, Sonny will always been in her life, but I’m hopeful he’s out of her bed…for good. Laura Wright as Carly fits with Jax and though I am not a fan of Jax, so far the Carlys seem to make him less annoying. 

There is always huge controversy over re-casts.  There’s dedication to actors and recasting frustrates those dedicated to the previous actor.  The EOS staff recently discussed this and the main consensus was that no matter who plays the character, in reality, everyone is replaceable.  Even Susan Lucci.  Eventually we accept and move on.  Whether we want to or now.  I’m just thankful with Laura Wright as Carly, moving on hasn’t been that tough.


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