Short Musings on
The Women of GH: Alexis, Lulu, & Maxie
By Elizabeth F
Alexis - What's with everyone
giving Alexis everything she wants? Do they want her to just give up and
Now is not the time for Alexis to be placated, she needs to fight, she
needs to be Natasha. I can understand her family giving her all the love
and support she needs, but not everyone. Letting her manage her own
illness, her own way is a good thing to do but when they see her
planning only for her
death, someone should give her a reason to fight. (Besides everyone
being so nice is not all that interesting.)
Sonny is the perfect candidate. He never should have agreed to Ric
raising Kristina. He should tell Alexis that when she's gone he's taking
Kristina and giving her to Carly to raise, after all Kristina may loose
a sister but she'd gain two brothers. Nothing would anger Alexis more;
nothing can give her a greater reason to fight then that.
So bring on Natasha, it's time for Alexis to realize that she is the
only one who can raise Kristina and Molly.
LuLu - Tracy is correct, how can anyone feel sorry for someone who can
make a list of all the people that care for her. Lucky may have ranted
at her that she should not have an abortion but he gave her a very good
reason - because he loves her and knows that she'll regret it.
Everyone she has spoken to has told her the absolute truth - they cannot
make the decision for her, they can only support her choice, and if
asked tell, her what they would do or have done. But this is not what
she wants; she's looking for someone else to make the decision, for
someone to tell her that having an abortion is the right thing and that
she won't regret it. I don't envy her, she's in a tough situation and
she does need her father, but perhaps it's a little too late.
Maxie - She's turned into the perfect "troubled" girl. I didn't like the
drug dealer storyline at first but it's growing on me. Every soap needs
a train wreck and GH has Maxie. It's a shame, her father Mac (who is
around) is not shown being concerned for her, it would add depth to her
Loving GH,
Elizabeth F.