...soaps in the key of life

by Trish Fodor

Ah, the holidays! Time to sit back and enjoy the love of family and friends as well as reflect on the year past and the New Year to come. Over the years, I’ve loved the soaps at Christmas because the sets are all so beautifully decorated and, like “real” people, the characters are in high spirits, often burying the hatchet until after the New Year.


On General Hospital, I recall Dr. Steve Hardy reading the Christmas story to all the children at the hospital as the camera panned over a sea of mesmerized faces.


Steve Hardy’s gone, so I assume Dr. Alan Quartermaine will be brought out of the closet and dusted off to do the honors once again this year. But I can’t help wondering, given the state of things these days; will they be able to pull off peace on earth and good will to men for one day in Port Charles?


Will Alexis be staring daggers at Ric while clutching tightly to her girls?


Will Elizabeth be shifting uncomfortably with her hand on her stomach and guilty eyes darting back and forth between Lucky and Jason?


Will Sam be able to take her lustful eyes off of Jason long enough to give Ric the finger?


Will Sonny be spinning the chamber of a revolver, mouth twitching in anticipation of christening the holiday with another round of mob wars?


Will Nanny McEvil (love that!) Colleen, be disguised as a nurse waiting to snatch Spencer after Nikolas and Emily sneak off for a quickie?  

Will Skye and Lila Rae show up in festive, matching mother/daughter bulletproof vests? 

Will Helena wither away in the parapet and miss the whole party?  

Will Robert and Noah even show up?  

Will Santa be sober? 

Will Max and Milo be this year’s elves? 

I could go on and on but I think I’ve made my point. 

So grab the libation of your choice, garner a healthy sense of humor and join me in singing a slightly altered version of this holiday classic!     

The Twelve Days of Guza 

On his first day at GH Bob Guza gave to me: a show all about Saint Sonny. 

His second day at GH Bob Guza gave to me: two brothers feuding and a show all about Saint Sonny. 

On the third day at GH Bob Guza gave to me: three couples cheating, two brothers feuding and a show all about Saint Sonny. 

On the fourth day at GH Bob Guza gave to me: four Spencers suffering, three couples cheating, two brothers feuding and a show all about Saint Sonny. 

On the fifth day at GH Bob Guza gave to me: a high five for “the dude” Spinelli! Four Spencers suffering, three couples cheating, two brothers feuding and a show all about Saint Sonny. 

On the sixth day at GH Bob Guza gave to me: a traumatized Kristina -- a high five for “the dude” Spinelli!  Four Spencers suffering, three couples cheating, two brothers feuding and a show all about Saint Sonny. 

On the seventh day at GH Bob Guza gave to me: seven deadly sins, a traumatized Kristina -- a high five for “the dude” Spinelli! -  Four Spencers suffering, three couples cheating, two brothers feuding and a show all about Saint Sonny. 

On the eighth day at GH Bob Guza gave to me: Alexis with no hair, seven deadly sins, a traumatized Kristina -- a high five for “the dude” Spinelli! - Four Spencers suffering, three couples cheating, two brothers feuding and a show all about Saint Sonny. 

On the ninth day at GH Bob Guza gave to me: nine more explosions, Alexis with no hair, seven deadly sins, a traumatized Kristina -- a high five for “the dude” Spinelli!  Four Spencers suffering, three couples cheating, two brothers feuding and a show all about Saint Sonny. 

On the tenth day at GH Bob Guza gave to me: ten bodies floating, nine more explosions, Alexis with no hair, seven deadly sins, a traumatized Kristina -- a high five for “the dude” Spinelli! Four Spencers suffering, three couples cheating, two brothers feuding and a show all about Saint Sonny. 

On the eleventh day at GH Bob Guza gave to me: more Sam-a-whining, ten bodies floating, me nine more explosions, Alexis with no hair, seven deadly sins, a traumatized Kristina  -- a high five for “the dude” Spinelli!  Four Spencers suffering, three couples cheating, two brothers feuding and a show all about Saint Sonny. 

On the twelfth day at GH Bob Guza gave to me: favorite veterans slumming, more Sam-a-whining, ten bodies floating, nine more explosions, Alexis with no hair, seven deadly sins, a traumatized Kristina -- a high five for “the dude” Spinelli! Four Spencers suffering, three couples cheating, two brothers feuding … and a show all about Saint Sonny! 

That was fun, wasn’t it? ;-) 

I hope that Santa is good to y’all and puts lots of cool CDs under your holiday tree this year. It’s the perfect excuse pop ‘em in the player, kick back and enjoy the music. 

Happy Holidays!     

[I'm thinking you can guess this one]

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See Me, Feel Me: An Ode to “Luke and Laura” 

Werewolves of London 

Soaps … Are They Wasted Time?  

Magic Man

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