As you may have deduced from the teasing photos we have posted so far of the GHFCW, the Eye on Soaps Divas were in full regalia, complete with our tiaras and diva glasses, not prepared to take any crap off of anyone. It was a regal sight, I have to tell you. I can't imagine anyone being there who didn't want to be us and wear those hormone regulating, height increasing, ass-paring, boob-firming, prime interest rate lower, world peace creating accessories. *sigh* It's good to be us. Anyway, when one dear, yet confused woman asked me why I was wearing a tiara, the obvious answer was, "Darlin, the true question is why isn't everyone?" It's true. Life with a tiara and the diva glasses is just a little bit sweeter than life without them. So yes, being the benevolent types that we are, we felt it incumbent upon ourselves to share the experience, giving a few special people their "moment in the sun" where they could also feel the power of the crown and the class of the glass(es). Within minutes, I mean to tell you, the word spread and soon every damned body wanted a piece of the action. And of course...who wouldn't?? Being journalists and all, of course we were there with photo documentation to share with all of you. *shrug* It's what we do.
Initially, it was me, Starr,
Carolyn, Debbie Morris...,
...Trish and Kathy with the tiaras and glasses. Upon seeing how we looked just fine as wine in ours, Debby O'Connor demanded her tiara. I, having foreseen such an incident, produced hers immediately:
After that, it was on. From the fantastic Kick Off Party until I was getting on the plane, the Divas were all the rage. Here are our faves: