Each of our Eye on Soaps staff writers started out as a reader of my columns, just like you.  When Eye on Soaps debuted, I selected the most articulate and well spoken people who had emailed me over the years that I wrote for another site and asked them if they wanted to write a weekly column.

Kate is the last of the original writers and the other people on staff at this time likely started off as a muse writer, right here in these pages.

Simply put, a muse writer writes when the muse hits them.  We read all submissions and print the very best.  These are our guest writers, those same people whose message board posts and lively emails you eagerly await.

Do you know that person?  Do they need a nudge?  Are you that person?  Do you want to see your work on our site?  If you are interested, read the Guidelines for Muse Writers and start writing!!

Not every column submitted will be posted.  Some will be filed for future consideration.  Those who submit columns will be informed of our decision within 2 weeks of their submission.

Best of luck to you.