By Katrina Rasbold

In this column, Katrina shares with you the quips, quotes and emails that she found remarkable in some way.  Sources may include interviews, scripted lines from the shows, message groups, message boards or other conversations.  If it made me think, laugh, cry or say, "Hmmmm," I'll share it with you!  {Comments in these things are my own}

October 9, 2006

"Viewers will feel that fairy tale come to pass again."
Brian Frons, Head of ABC Daytime, on the upcoming reunion of Nikolas and Emily on GH

{Can they live "happily ever after" somewhere off screen?  Can we not have poofy pirate-wear this time?  Please?}

"That's one couple the audience has really been screaming at us about!"
Frons on Blair and Todd's upcoming reunion

{This just goes to show that they just hear SCREAMING, not the WORDS that are being screamed at them!}

"The decision to write David off the canvas was both financial and storyline-based."
AMC Executive Producer, Julie Hanan Carruthers on the firing of Vincent Irizarry

{How else can they pay for the considerable talents of the newly acquired actors who play Colby, Syndey and Sean?  Where would AMC be without them?}

"Real kissing is very unattractive on-camera.  Sometimes you get the saliva thing going.  It's much better to act.  It's like doing a drunk scene.  It's much better to act drunk than to be drunk."
Anthony Geary (Luke, GH)

"My very first experience with [GH] was in a scene with Jane [Elliot, Tracy].  I could see at that moment that she was a formidable partner."
Anthony Geary on his first audition for GH for the role of Mitch Williams

"We underplay the soap and we glorify the opera."
Gloria Monty, Soap Opera (behind the scenes) icon

"You never know.  I have two kids to feed."
Ty Treadway (ex-Colin/Troy on OLTL) on returning to a soap opera role

"You call your son 'Spike.'  I can only imagine what you'll call your dog." 
Erica to Kendall after Kendall tells her mother she wants to get a puppy for Spike.

{Personally, I think she's already got a couple of dogs in her life... and a bitch or two.}

"That it doesn't do any good to argue with my life.  Just say, 'Yes, ma'am' and go do it."
Paul Satterfield (Spencer, OLTL) when asked about the most important lesson he has learned over the years.

"I was very lucky to have been a vampire with him."
Michael Easton (John, OLTL) referring to Thorsten Kaye (Zach, AMC) regarding their time on the GH spinoff, "Port Charles"

"The humor is not always there on the paper, but people like him put it there.  That is an underappreciated talent on daytime."
Michael Easton on Tuc Watkins (David)

"Sleep with your head at that end or the drunks in the drunk tank will pull your hair."
David gives Spencer jailhouse advice on OLTL

"I'm thrilled and I hope we get the chance to work together.
Denise Alexander (Lesley, GH) on the return of her onscreen daughter, Genie Francis

{So do we, darlin}

"It'll only be for four weeks, [but] they promised that they won't kill her off because that would be awful."
Genie Francis on Laura's return (GH)

"I'm of the opinion that they really don't know what to do with my character... They use [the veteran actors] as a buffer between the various other dramatic elements in the show.  We come along as this comedy relief.  We should be there to enhance the story and not divert the story."
Tristan Rogers (Robert Scorpio, GH)

"I think she was sacrificed on the altar of 'I don't have an idea [what to do with her].'"
Tristan Rogers on the story created for the return of Holly Sutton (Emma Samms)

"Who do I have to fight [to get it]?"
Jeff Branson (Jonathan, AMC) when it was suggested that Simone needs a love interest.

"Because the pharmaceutical company [that sells] Dramamine is one of our official sponsors."
Terri Ivens (Simone, AMC) on why there is a wonky, new style of camera work on AMC

"I've been on the show for eight years and I didn't even know there was a Jeff Martin."
Vincent Irizarry (David, AMC) on how little the actors know about the show except for their own scenes.

Sonny:  "I didn't like the sound of your cough, so I had somebody hack into your medical records."

Alexis:  "You couldn't just buy me a cough drop?"  (GH)

"I got food poisoning.  In between takes, I was on the side throwing up."
Jackie Zeman (Bobbie, GH) on the day they taped Bobbie's wedding to Brock (David Groh)

"I'm really proud and very excited to be on the show when these kinds of risks are taken."
Cady McClain (Dixie, AMC) about the new wonky camera work

{ah, ah, ah, ah suck up choo!}

"There's a plan to have Lucas develop a relationship."
GH Head Writer, Bob Guza, in April 2006

{Really?  Must have blinked and missed it!}

"I liked you better when you were drinking."
Patrick Drake to dad, Noah Drake, after being offered some fatherly advice (GH)

"You married a psychopath who once chained poor pregnant Carly to a wall.  How surprised are you, really, that he slept with your newly minted daughter?"
Carolyn Hinsey, SOD

"I know none of you will believe this, but I have done this kind of work before."
Elizabeth Taylor after flubbing the same line several times as Helena Cassadine on GH

"Edmund, definitely, was the love of Brooke's life."
Julia Barr (Brooke, AMC)

"Before or after Sam slept with Ric?"
Steve Burton when asked who is the love of Jason's life (GH)

Maurice Benard when asked who is the love of Sonny's life (GH)

"I played solitaire on the computer and watched the OJ trial."
Sharon Wyatt (ex-Tiffany) on what she did after leaving GH in 1995

"On OLTL, I don't know if the studio was smaller or the egos were bigger; maybe it was a combination of things, but as a whole, I like coming in knowing nobody's ego is bigger than mine."
Thorsten Kaye (Zach, AMC) comparing life as OLTL's Patrick to Port Charles' Ian

"I always knew I wanted to be a dancer.  I started dancing when I was 5.  I was in heaven when I was dancing."
Jackie Zeman (Bobbie, GH)

"At the end of Laura's run, she is going to kick-start a new story for the others.  A big story."
Bob Guza, GH

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May - August 2006