...soaps in the key of life

by Trish Fodor

We’re NOT Gonna Take It!

I was walking through the house the other day after reading yet another sad e-mail from someone who stopped watching ABC soaps. “There’s nothing to love about them anymore,” she complained. “There is no love or romance, only violence, murder and the mob.”

It really irked me. Not just because soaps are one of my favorite hobbies and I love to chat with friends about them (especially in single digit temps when it’s too cold to stick your nose out the front door!) But more and more friends have stopped watching or no longer like this character or that one because the writers have pretty much destroyed them. 

I’m no longer irked. Now, I’m MAD. I’m furious at the writers and “TPTB” who are so arrogant that they feel they can tell ME - the supposedly coveted viewer - what I want to see. I’m sick and tired of investing time and emotion into a story line just to have it yanked out from under me so fast that it makes my head spin. I’m fed up with the treatment of veteran actors who have devoted years of time and talent to bring these show to their glory days which, might I add, are LONG past. And I’m insulted by the stunts pulled a few times a year just to win sweeps. As Jane Elliot’s Tracy Quartermaine said recently, “Oh No. I’ve been here before. This is just like the Port Charles Hotel fire.” 

Veteran Actress – 1 Creativity – 0. 


What’s up in Pine Valley? Dr. David, Brooke and Dixie were all shown the door? For what? (If they say to cut budgets, I’ll scream!) Empty half of Wildwind and send whining little Colby back to Liza and you’ll tighten your purse strings.  

Once upon a time, I loved Ryan. He was shady. He was a con. He was HOT. Now he’s the Sonny Corinthos of AMC and can do no evil, speak no evil, and hear no evil. Yawn! Little Kathy is cute n’ all but how am I supposed to feel anything about her dead parents? Her mother was a day player who “suddenly” is best friends with Julia and kicked the bucket a few weeks later. Then we have Annie, a cheesy attempt to bring Greenlee back. Heck, she was brought on as Erin Lavery’s friend and Erin wasn’t valuable enough to survive the satin slayer! Am I supposed to care? I don’t. And where was Palmer when Dixie was at death’s door? Yea, yea Opal mentioned him a few times but he should have been there. 

As for my Zarf/Zoey. We get it that people think she is strange but I’m a little tired of hearing it (JR!!!). Jeffrey Carlson’s time on screen shouldn’t be wasted with insults.  I see a spark with Bianca. Someone PLEASE fan that flame? 

The satin slayer story has stalled. They lost me. Now I want to hire someone to Kill Kendall so I don’t have to listen to her bitch to Annie about Ryan and Spike anymore. And someone should take little Adam far, far away from his warring parents. Do ya think that the satin slayer might make an exception and take out JR too? That would clear the way for Josh to have Babe and instead of talking about her to anyone who will listen, maybe we’ll get some action! 

Michael Knight, I am so sorry. They took away Brooke. They took away Dixie. Krystal’s head over heels in love with Adam. Now Tad’s lost somewhere between righteous Ryan and mad man Zack playing referee to their constant squabbling. You deserve so much more. WE deserve so much more.   


I honestly can’t say that I’ve been able to catch a full episode in weeks, therefore, you get a pass. Congrats! 


Somebody hold me back! I can’t begin to list all that is wrong with this show or I’d be here all day and well into the night. I appreciate the fact that Bob Guza wants a killer reel, for soon he may be out of work. No, I doubt that he’ll be fired but I do worry about the future of the show. I mean, how long can they keep playing against genre and expect to retain viewers who want to watch a soap opera?  

This sweeps so far has been vile. I returned to fast forwarding through scenes yesterday, February 7. (How many more days to go this ratings period?) I just can’t find anything entertaining in watching a guest star – no matter how good of an actor he may be – walking around threatening and randomly shooting people and playing silly mind games. I’m sick of watching the hostages cower in fear. It’s boring. (God love ya John J. York, but I’m even getting weary watching hot Mac looking across the street all worried at a hotel.) 

When Emily accidentally “cut” Robin’s artery, I was supposed to feel panic but I laughed. Whoops! After all, the fact that Mr. Craig was making them do this whole phone-a surgery was laughable. But Emily needs to save the day. Besides, Robin was the one doing meatball surgery during the train wreck last year during November sweeps and she had the benefit of fishing line! 

I’m surprised that everyone in town hasn’t already pinned this incident on Ric Lansng. (Oh, I’m sure it’s coming -- right behind world hunger, the AIDS crisis and global warming.) I guess I’m supposed to be grateful that Ric and Alexis shared civil words for one show. They’ll soon be back to the impasse and snarking at one another. How romantic! And of course, I can’t wait for the obligatory custody battle where Alexis bravely fights for her children. Let’s see … Ned, Sonny and now Ric. She’s gonna have to get knocked up again to get her next opponent in family court.   

And how sad is it that Stuart Damon in his GH swan song is put in a room alone having a heart attack? Sure, Emily came in to cry (because she does that sooo well) and Lulu came in to yell at a dying man. Niiiiice! She should really shut up and have a little sympathy. Laura’s comatose but not soon-to-be six feet under. Give a vet a break! 

I never liked Twisted Sister. Never even owned a copy of Twisted Sister song. But given the way I’m feeling about ABC Daytime these days, I humbly call on the sprit of Dee Snyder and the boys to express how I feel!     

Until next time, turn it up LOUD! 


We’re Not Gonna Take It

Oh we're not gonna take it
No, we ain't gonna take it
Oh we're not gonna take it anymore

We've got the right to choose it
There ain't no way we'll lost it
This is our life, this is our song

We'll fight the powers that be just
Don't pick our destiny 'cause
You don't know us, you don't belong

Oh we're not gonna take it
No, we ain't gonna take it
Oh we're not gonna take it anymore

Oh you're so condescending
Your gall is neverending
We don't want nothin', not a thing from you

Your life is trite and jaded
Boring and confiscated
If that's your best, your best won't do

Oh Oh

We're right (yeah)
We're free (yeah)
We'll fight (yeah)
You'll see (yeah)

Oh we're not gonna take it
No, we ain't gonna take it
Oh we're not gonna take it anymore

Oh we're not gonna take it
No, we ain't gonna take it
Oh we're not gonna take it anymore

No way!

We're right (yeah)
We're free (yeah)
We'll fight (yeah)
You'll see (yeah)

Oh we're not gonna take it
No, we ain't gonna take it
Oh we're not gonna take it anymore

Oh we're not gonna take it
No, we ain't gonna take it
Oh we're not gonna take it anymore

Just you try and make us
We're not gonna take it
Come on!  

By Twisted Sister

Twisted Sister

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Trish's Archives

Waiting on the Soaps to Change 

GH’s Mother and Child Reunion is Full of False Hope  

Don’t Let the Sun Go Down on Bianca and Zarf 

The Twelve Days of Guza 

See Me, Feel Me: An Ode to “Luke and Laura” 

Werewolves of London 

Soaps … Are They Wasted Time?  

Magic Man

Trish's Muse Writer Archives