Popular culture, or pop culture: (literally: "the culture of the people") consists of widespread cultural elements in any given society. Such elements are perpetuated through that society's vernacular language or an established lingua franca. It comprises the daily interactions, needs and desires and cultural 'moments' that make up the everyday lives of the mainstream. It can include any number of practices, including those pertaining to cooking, clothing, consumption, mass media and the many facets of entertainment such as sports and literature. Popular culture often contrasts with a more exclusive, even elitist "high culture." June 15, 2007 Note: Beginning next week, this column will be posted at www.thedivadigest.com Please click over there to find it and lots of other really fun, nonsoapy stuff! The Paris Report Where can I possibly begin when so much has happened since last we spoke?? I'll try to remain brief to keep this from being the All Paris Column.
We can start with this fella on the left, known as Sheriff Baca Baca Baca Sa-wing Baca who took it upon himself to override the judge's order that Poor Paris (*awwww*) serve out half of her sentence in the Lynwood correctional facility for women in the special wing set aside for special people like Paris who would be eaten and have their bones picked clean were they to mingle with the general jail population. After Paris' psychiatrist, Charles Sophy, visited her in jail, Baca ordered that since Paris was having a horrible - and at that time undisclosed - medical condition, she could serve out her time at her mansion in the Hollywood Hills under house arrest with an ankle bracelet to monitor her comings and goings. Paris happily skipped home and began having friends over and ordering in food like a large fruit basket from Edible Arrangements that included chocolate-covered strawberries, grapes and melons, along with six cases of Party Animal organic gourmet dog food. While Paris took a nap additional goodies arrived! A store called Mrs Beasley's (you know, like Buffy's doll) delivered three dozen cupcakes. Anthony Crisafulli, manager of the store, reported, "These are the flavors that she orders from us: strawberry and mocha. A dozen of each and a dozen assorted. "She's a customer of ours. She comes to our Beverly Hills store, and we decided it would be nice since she's had so much problems the last couple of days." Still later, two assistants carried in nine plastic grocery bags of food including cereal, Nature's Own breakfast bars, ice cream and frozen pizza. Whoo hooo! We're off to some real frontier justice there! But then *gasp* the unthinkable happened! The judge (Judge Sauer) who handed down her sentence found out what Sheriff Baca Baca Baca Sa-wing Baca had done and got into a bit of a pissin contest with him. He ordered Baca to send cruises out to get Miss Paris and haul her ass back to jail. Baca balked and the judge wrote a stern order that was all over the page, not even trying to stay in the lines, saying, "LASD [Los Angeles Sheriff Department] directed to to bring P to court!" And so they did.
And she was very sad because as it turns out, Paris suffers from a particularly extreme case of "jail-itis," along with ADD and claustrophobia and was on the verge of a nervous breakdown when she was sent home with her new ankle jewelry. Who knew? As it turns out, our girl, Paris, just can't stand to be in jail and that's why she drove those two times when she knew her licenses was suspended. Sheriff Baca Baca Baca Sa-wing Baca is the same sheriff who had his deputies sanitize the arrest records of Mel Gibson to remove the anti-Semitic remarks he made. He's also the same sheriff to whose election campaign Paris' rich grandpa contributed the maximum contribution allowed by law. Guess he saw it coming. Paris went to
court and the judge was NOT in a good mood and told her she had to
return to jail pronto, do not pass go, do not collect a dozen
cupcakes. In fact, he was so pissed off that he reinstated her
previously cut in half full
45 day sentence, less the 3 days she served, getting credit for 5
days, so off she went, screaming, "Mom, Mom, Mom."
Her mother, Kathy Hilton, was heard saying "It's not right."
Duane "Dog the
Bounty Hunter" Chapman told TMZ
that Paris has already been punished enough for what he calls a
"traffic offense" and says, "I was going to offer to do
the 45 days for her." Los Angeles City Attorney Rocky Delgadillo issued the following
statement to TMZ in response to Judge Sauer's decision ordering
Paris Hilton back to jail: Paris' sister, Nicky Hilton, wants to squelch rumors that Paris is serving time for Driving Under the Influence and reminds the world that she is serving time for two counts of driving with a suspended license that she earned for drunk driving. Big difference. "Sopranos" star Steve Schirripa (Bobby) had some advice for Paris Hilton when TMZ caught him on the fly. Said Steve, "Stop whoring around Paris, behave yourself, you got a second chance!" Click the pickcher to see it.
I ran a picture last week of John Travolta in drag for the movie "Hairspray" and now comes actual video footage. (Click the pic to the right to see)
My thinking is that there are plenty of Christians who are dedicated to "curing" gays and trannies, yet that never comes into question, but everyone has to follow his or her own heart. Me? There's no way I am not seeing this. James Marsters? Michele Pfiffer? Christopher Walkin dancing? Now THAT is a sight I don't see NEARLY enough. (Have you seen the "Weapons of Choice" video by Fatboy Slim?? I can't watch the damned thing without grinning ear-to-ear like a possum. His sense of timing is unbelievable. Not to mention "Night of 100 Stars from about 20some years ago? The man is amazing!!) Anyway, the 52 year old actor (Travolta, not Walkin) says of donning the padding and prosthetics to play Edna Turnblad, "The effect that I caused is fun and all, but it's a lot of work, man." He goes on to say of taking off the padding, "You feel like you are coming out of a prison. It's such a relief to get air again to the skin and breathe again. I thought, 'My God, how do women do that?' I know my mother had a girdle, bra and sometimes a cinch, but wow. How do they ever endure stockings and high heels? The discomfort level was astonishing."
A new photo shoot with POTC star Orlando Bloom leaves me wondering if he is in touch with his inner Depp or if we should start referring to him as "The Lizard King."
One of my long-time favorite writers is finally talking about his directorial debut in the long awaited "Immortal" story of "Death: The High Cost of Living," originally a series of comics from Vertigo. Says the mastah, Neil Gaiman, "Everything is moving, slowly, but it's moving... Guillermo del Toro is executive producing, which is a wonderful thing... and I'm actually planning on going out to Prague very, very soon to do some stuff with Guillermo on 'Death.' I think it definitely seems like it's going to happen." Death is a story about a young, suicidal teen who spends a day with "Death" learning to love life.
Stage names can evidently make or break a person. Here are some original monikers and in some cases, you can see what a change was in order: Tim Allen — Timothy Alan Dick
Wondering what the stars will be taking home from the Kodak Theatre at the Daytime Emmy Awards? Gifts Include:
And that, my
friends, is all for now! (That's OK, Don't) Send In the Clowns People Who Have Clearly Lost Their Minds Anorexia Versus Genetics; Media Pressure Versus Body Type Anna Nicole Smith - Oct 16, 2006