...soaps in the key of life

by Trish Fodor

Are ya ready for the thing called LOVE? 

I tuned in to All My Children today and yowza! It looks as if that show is getting ready to turn up the heat this summer and not a moment too soon! Whereas General Hospital and One Life to Live seem to be marking time on never-ending violence and crisis, the folks in Pine Valley seem to be ready to pucker up and give us some summer lovin’. 

Eva and Jonathan 

Oh come, on! You saw this coming. With all the past sexual tension between Lily and Jonathan (brilliantly brought to the screen by Leven Rambin and Jeff Branson), it’s no wonder that the scribes finally decided to get a little action going. With a show that has been so successful with casting twins Adam and Stuart Chandler, it’s no wonder that they went for it again with Lily and her saucy half sister Eva.  

It’s fun to see these two finally be able to cash in on their chemistry. When Eva first toyed with Jonathan, she had no idea what she was getting into. She saw how protective and loving he was toward Lily and I think that she longed to have someone care for her that way. However, her fantasy quickly dissipated when Jonathan discovered her masquerading as sweet and innocent ex-wife. But though dust protest too much! Jonathan has always been a bad boy at heart and now he is looking at a dead ringer for the lovely Lily with the mischief in her soul that he finds rather appealing.   

When Eva wandered off with a less than savory escort, Jonathan came dashing to her rescue when the guy came on too strong. Stunned at first that he helped her Eva let her guard down and honestly admitted to Jonathan that, “I like the way you look at me.” He was so taken aback by her admission and his transparency that he hightailed it straight to Amanda for some “deflection affection”. Too bad that Amanda was no longer waiting and willing… 

I can still see the way Jonathan hungrily looked at Eva. Personally, I’d have gone for right there and then but what a delicious way to prolong our suspense!

 Amanda and JR 

I’m so relieved to see JR moving on from that mess called “Babe”. Granted, I came to like her a lot more after she befriended and defended Zoey but the constant warring between the young Chandlers was getting tiresome. I’d like to see Jacob Young play a romantic lead again even if it is with “strings” attached. That’s why I was thrilled (and a little weak in the knees) to see him chase after Amanda. 

That’s why the scenes in the gym were so refreshing. Here were outcasts Amanda and JR sparring with each other, he verbally and her physically, trying to save face and self esteem by convincing one another that he or she was more devious than they were. You could feel the magnetic pull with each punch and, when it all was over, JR clearly wanted more.   

“Wanna go another round?” It could be the pick up line of 2007. Of course, he was literally referring to their previous sparring match but the innuendo and that cunning grin were priceless!  

Coy at first, Amanda blew him off but you could see that she was on the verge of temptation (especially when he offered to make her a business offer she couldn’t refuse on the side!) Loved the sexy, playful dialogue, “If you get into bed with me you won’t regret it.” Again, JR was alluding to a business partnership but we could almost see him peeling back the sheets. Niiiiiice! 

Greenlee and Josh 

I love Greenlee. Always have. From the moment she planted her Manolo Blahnik‘s into Pine Valley, it was as if someone shouted out loud, “Let the games begin!” And the sassy Ms. Smythe did not disappoint. Imagine my glee when Green’s slinked back into town recently (albeit with a new face, that of actress Sabine Singh). This time she returned with a gigantic chip on her shoulder and pining for reconciliation with her not so ex-husband, Ryan Lavery. 

True to form, Greenlee tried to foreshadow her arrival by sending Ryan his Dynamite Kiddo decoder ring ahead as a sign. However, her plan was foiled when brother-in-law Jonathan intercepted the delivery and Ryan’s marriage to lookalike Annie went off without a hitch. Well … almost! 

It seems that Greenlee never signed the divorce papers making Ryan still her legal husband. Given the fact that Annie had won over the folks of Pine Valley as well as Ryan’s heart, Greenlee was once again labeled the town pariah, coming full circle. 

I have to admit that I feel for her. Granted, she brought this on herself but it took a lot to crack that veneer and let her open up to love again after first husband Leo died. But Ryan persisted and now, sadly, she finds her self all alone again. It’s a familiar predicament for Josh, who came to town thinking he was the son of world-renowned Dr. Greg Madden only to find out that his father was criminal who played God with people’s lives. Josh was really the lost son of Erica Kane and Jeff Martin and stolen at birth by his evil Doctor Daddy.  

It’s no wonder that these two sparked together. When the writers recently trapped them in an elevator, we got to see the merging of two lost souls and a glimpse of what could be a hot summer romance! Josh jamming on the toy keyboard to calm a claustrophobic Greenlee was among the best scenes I’ve seen on AMC in a long time. It showed the softer side of two normally cynical people and a lot of promise.    

All of these couples are amazing because they contain my favorite element, which is hesitation at first. I find reluctant romance to be very sexy and full of suspense. It gives viewers something to pull for and writers plenty of material to toy with us. Flirtations, aggravation and numerous close encounters and near misses all leading up to the big pay off is what soaps are all about!  Therefore, I raise my glass to All My Children for the multiple couple set up. I am definitely ready for the thing called love!   

Thing Called Love

Don't have to humble yourself to me,
I ain't your judge or your king
Baby, you know I ain't no Queen of Sheba
We may not even have our dignity,
this could be just a powerful thing
Baby we can choose you know we ain't no amoeba
Are you ready for the thing called love
Don't come from me and you,
it comes from up above
I ain't no porcupine,
take off your kid gloves
Are you ready for the thing called love

I ain't some icon carved out of soap
Sent here to clean up your reputation
Baby, you know you ain't no Prince Charming
We can live in fear or act out of hope
For some kind of peaceful situation
Baby, how come the cry of love is so alarming ...

Ugly ducklings don't turn into swan
And glide off down the lake
Whether your sunglasses are off or on
You only see the world you make
Are you ready for the thing called love
Don't come from me and you,
it comes from up above
I ain't no porcupine,
take off your kid gloves

Are you ready for it
Are you ready for the thing called love
Don't come from me and you,
it comes from up above
I ain't no porcupine,
take off your kid gloves

Are you ready for it
Are you ready for love, baby
Oooh yeah babe
Are you ready for love 

Written by John Hiatt
 Performed by Bonnie Raitt

Bonnie Raitt


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Trish's Archives

Are Coop and Logan GH’s Starsky & Hutch? 

Comfortably Numb

Teach Your Children

We're Not Going To Take It

Waiting on the Soaps to Change 

GH’s Mother and Child Reunion is Full of False Hope  

Don’t Let the Sun Go Down on Bianca and Zarf 

The Twelve Days of Guza 

See Me, Feel Me: An Ode to “Luke and Laura” 

Werewolves of London 

Soaps … Are They Wasted Time?  

Magic Man

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