August 14, 2007
We had the greatest trip visiting with our son, daughter-in-law and
our little guy, Seth. We are lucky because we do get to see him
(and them) every 3-6 months. However, the growth and maturity we
witnessed is unbelievable. I know, every grandma says the same
thing. "My grandchild is brilliant." However, that might be true
for all of you grandparents, but, my grandson is amazing. We were in
the car driving around and he at almost 2 1/2 knew what freeways to
take to get to his father's job and his swim lessons, plus every
store (i.e. Target) and restaurant. I thought my son was smart as a
child (he still is), but this little guy knocked me over.
We went to swim lessons with him, gym lessons and spend a great deal
of our three days with him, just hanging out. My daughter-in-law is
the best. Since our son had to work the entire time and we all knew
that going in, she was our hostess with the mostess. She never made
us feel like outlaws and we were very grateful.
It was very difficult leaving Houston, but we did have a wonderful
wedding to attend in Belmont, CA. I made the arrangements for the
flights really believing there was only one stop over from Houston
to Oakland. Well my eyes must have moved while making the
arrangements because, we went from Houston to Las Vegas, to Burbank
then on to Oakland. It was one long trip. Luckily, my husband is
really good about things like this and I slept the entire trip,
getting up every now and again. We hit Oakland and a friend picked
us up from the airport and drove us to our destination. The next day
was the wedding and it was beautiful. Then the final day was off to
home. We had a great time. We were gone for almost a week and as
nice as it is to go away, it's even nicer to come home.

Maxine and Steve 8/4/07 Belmont, CA
Strange how we miss our everyday life. I missed my aquatic aerobics
class. Steve missed his errands. Silly things, you know?
Before we went away we saw the movie "Hairspray". Great feel-good
movie. It has an anti-racial theme but really it's about all of us
being unique and different, learning to accept each other for our
differences. I loved the mother daughter relationship. I connected
greatly to 'Edna and Tracey.' There are days I feel so alone missing
my mom. I can only imagine and I really do not want to imagine, moms
who have lost daughters viewing this movie. However, for the
majority of the public, this movie rocks.
Last night we saw "The Bourne Identity". Mind you I had absolutely
no desire to see this, but in our relationship/marriage/friendship,
we try very hard to respect the wishes of one another and take turns
seeing movies. I put my foot down on scary ones. However, for the
most part, we see many of "his" movies and many of "my" movies. I am
glad we saw this one. Great flick. Very intense, lots of actions and
So now we are home. Doing what we do best: hanging out and
seeing friends and going to the pool and going to the movies. Before
I turn around, Steve will be back at work and we will plan our next
trip to see Seth, his mom and his dad and his new sibling. Imagine,
we are going to be grandparents a second time. Our son is an only
child and this new little one is justification for me. Amen to a
healthy and happy new baby.

Oh, mirror in the
What is love?
Can the child within my heart rise above?
Can I sail thru the changing ocean tides?
Can I handle the seasons of my life?
... Stevie Nicks, c1975

Maxine's Arichives
July 22, 2007
June 7, 2007
May 22, 2007
May 2, 2007
April 8, 2007
March 23, 2007
March 4, 2007
February 10, 2007
January 17, 2007
December 28, 2006
December 2, 2006
November 16, 2006
November 6, 2006
October 26, 2006
October 13, 2006
October 7, 2006
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