November 20, 2007
Please note. An email snafu prevented me from receiving this
column until today...Katrina
Remember my wish list? Seems there is a movie coming out called "The
Bucket List." It stars Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman. It's about two
men who are at the end of their lives and dealing with illness. According
to them there are things to do before they die and they have to cross each
item off their list.
Well I have that list of dreams that I am working on. This past week
another one of my most amazing dreams came true. I modeled for a fashion
show at the temple. Our ladies group had "A Paid Up Membership Tea" and
asked a few of us to model. They asked ME!!! I was so shocked to be asked
that I accepted with flying colors. It was a lot of fun going for a
fitting at the Dress Barn. All of us different ages, shapes and sizes came
to together to make this event work. I tried on different outfits and the
Dress Barn affiliate helped me find the right outfits and made me look
like a super star. The funny thing was that I wasn't nervous. I expected
to be a nervous wreck in front of people. And I wasn't. I did the model
stance and was met with incredible love. Isn't that what we all need?
Love? So for today, life is great.
Here is a photo.....
It's been an incredible week for ups and
downs and ups again. First the Fashion Show. It's November. Not my
favorite month of the year. Both my parents passed away on the same
exact day 7 years apart. I've said this before and will say it till
the day I die, there isn't a day that goes by that I do not think of
one or both of them. They would have been 91 this year and chances are
they would have not been here to enjoy and see all our family has
experienced. But losing parents or a parent is just plain difficult.
Honestly, one would think if one loses a parent at an older age, it
wouldn't hurt as much. However, take it from me, it does.
We were getting ready for our new
grandchild to be born and secretly I was hoping the baby would be born
on November 21. A way to justify the day I lost my folks. Well, our
little darling was born a week earlier and now we have a
granddaughter. Her middle name is for my mother. Ms. Anna Pazit was
born 11/14/07 weighing in at 7 lbs 6 oz and she is 19 inches long. Two
hours after she was born, the Dr's noticed she was struggling to
breathe so they put her in NICU. She had an oxygen hood on her which
helped and after loads of tests, it turned out the poor kid had
pneumonia. Odd for a newborn. I couldn't be more grateful to this
hospital for getting her situated and on meds quickly. As it stands
now, she will finally be coming home to her home on Monday. Even
though her first Thanksgiving will be in the hospital without Turkey,
<G> our prayers have been answered and that is the trimming of life.
We plan to visit in December and celebrate her. My grandson is finally
meeting his sister tomorrow and he made a Build a Bear just for her.
This is the circle of life. Even though
some of our loved ones are no longer with us in person, they are
always here with us in spirit. I know Pearl and Arnold helped Anna
make it through (with a little help from the Drs). I also am so
fortunate to have a community of friends online and off who just were
there hearing my prayers and extending theirs. During your
Thanksgiving meal, whether it's a table of one or a table of 100. Look
around and give thanks. Life is what you make of it and Steve and I
know how truly blessed we are.

Oh, mirror in the
What is love?
Can the child within my heart rise above?
Can I sail thru the changing ocean tides?
Can I handle the seasons of my life?
... Stevie Nicks, c1975

Maxine's Archives
October 22, 2007
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